Masquerade: A Blue Bloods Novel by Melissa De La Cruz I truly loved this book. After getting hooked on Stephanie Meyers’ books this book was a great addition to the vampire stage that I am in. A girl named Shuyler Van Alen wanted to find out what happened to some missing students at her high school and she ended up traveling to Venice to find her mother to help her out. She has also just recently found out that she is part of the elite, wealthy high society of New York who also happens to be vampires. These vampires are part of the blue bloods that are trying to do good since they repented after what Lucifer did to God, and they only fear silver blood vampires who did not repent and are still doing Lucifer’s work.
Glass by Ellen Hopkins
Glass is a book about a 17 year old girl named Christina that has a terrible drug addiction to crystal meth. One day that she is high, she gets raped and ends up being pregnant. Christina believes that she is able to control her addictions since she now has a child to care for. Unfortunately she is wrong and spirals out of control that ends up taking her baby away from her and getting her hooked on crystal meth again. This was an interesting book that shows teens the problems that an addict goes through and all of the trouble and pain that it causes. In the world that our teens are growing up in, they would enjoy reading something that they have seen firsthand and are aware of
Class Pictures by Dawound Bey
This was a great book that just consisted of photo essays. I was touched by some of the stories that the students told about who they were. I feel that this would be a great activity to do in the classroom so that we know what each one is thinking and we can go about trying to help them out to be the best they can be. When looking at the photographs and then reading the essays, I was surprised at some of the things that these kids have gone through in life and still continue to live each day. Everyone needs to take at look at this photo essay book and realize that some of the teenagers in America go through so much more that an adult goes through in one day.

Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Imagine being thirteen years old and waiting to see if your parents want to keep you or get rid of you by donating your body parts to those who may need some organs. This is an interesting book that had a controversial topic-abortion. People in this story were not allowed to have an abortion as a result of a compromise from the war by the pro-life and pro-choice fighters. The compromise did allow you to “unwind” teenagers from 13-18 if you felt they did not suit your families’ needs. The story is about the lives of three teenagers that are trying to survive the “unwinding” process. They also hear of others that are trying to escape the unwinding process that are being helped by “Admiral” and they go off trying to make it to their eighteenth birthday. This was a different twist on the abortion issue with a mix of stem cell research that I am sure would have the readers thinking what if this actually did happen.

Safe by Susan Shaw
Tracey has always felt safe with her mother and even after her death, she felt her presence and it made her feel safe. This remained until the day that she was raped. This is a touching story of a young girl that is raped at the age of thirteen and how she copes with it afterwards. Tracey is afraid to leave her house and her dad’s side but after a while is helped by her friends to begin to trust going outside her house again. Many students would like to read this book just to hear the courage that Tracey had to have to continue living day to day after the horrible rape that she went through. This is a good book that some students that have gone through this would be able to relate to and find courage in.